Monday, July 13, 2009

Making much of who?

A question that caught my attention in my inbox from Desiring is John Piper asking:

"Do you feel more loved by God because he makes much of you, or because, at great cost to himself, he frees you to enjoy making much of him forever? "

This is a real heart cutting question. It is about pride and worth and where we find it. I tend to feel more loved when things are going well, when I am being praised, when I am doing something well. However since when does Gods love depend on what I do? Since when does feeling Gods love be more real then Gods actual love for me in Jesus, despite not feeling it?

Piper unpacks this question nicely:

The point of that question is to expose the deepest foundation of our happiness—whether it is ourselves or God.

  • Is the deepest basis of our joy God’s greatness or our greatness?
  • Am I more satisfied praising him or being praised?
  • Am I God-centered because of his surpassing value, or am I God-centered because he highlights my surpassing value?
  • Would it be heaven to me to see God or to be God?
What is our foundation of happiness? Is it ourselves? Our success, our relationships, our possessions or status or how we are feeling at this exact moment? Are we trying to be happy by looking at ourselves and trying to change ourselves or do we have Joy in Jesus?

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