Monday, January 26, 2009

What came out of Relay 2

In my last post I gave some highlights of Relay 2. This was a week of training, fellowship and just being in awe of Jesus. What I love about Relay is that it is all about Jesus and I am starting to meet the real Jesus, understanding more of Grace and yet still not having it fully grasped. I come away from Relay 2 really challenged...challenged about how I spend my time, how much I love God, how much I am really living for Jesus and about the idols in my life. I am callenged about the students I work with and whether I am really spurring them on to love Jesus more and to tell their friends about Jesus and whether that is reflected in my life...

We worked through Zephaniah and I was blown away with how there is little difference in my heart compared to theirs. With their pride and their idols and their security with man made things. We wrote a list and I was shocked, because my heart didn't want to admit this sinful attitude and wanted to justify myself with saying "Well...i'm not like that"... But I am like that!!

Yet there are peeks of hope in chapters 1 and 2... there are remnants and pleas of seeking humility, righteousness and the Lord. Gods wrath is clear here, He hates sin and wants to purify His people. Is God over-reacting? Not at all... God is God, He is the real deal and it grieves Him that we can worship things that arn't anything like Him, that can't create the universe and are not God...seriously can you not blaim Him for getting a bit angry!?

But Chapter 3 then explodes with Gods mercy and Grace. This amazes me even more. God is very angry at us and yet loves us more deeply then we can imagine. He forgives us, He shows us Grace and will have us back again to be His people. This is something to shout for Joy for! Hurry for Jesus indeed...!

It's good to be reminded this:

"God is God... You are you and don't get the two confused" - Mo

You know what? The bible screams this at us the whole time and yet we still retreat back to our idols where we think we are safe. Therefore we need to continue to read Zephaniah, remind ourselves that we are sinful and deserve being cut off and then remind ourselves of Gods amazing Grace.

Let us Rejoice in His salvation.

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