Friday, January 16, 2009

Signs and Wonders - Is Jesus Enough?

These are going to be slight random thoughts, that may be controversal or pretentious. But I am still going to let the ink pot fall on the blotting paper.

At church we had a talk on signs and wonders, mainly that of healing. In homegroup we further discussed how we had little faith to ask God for healings or to see healings. As we were discussing a few thoughts popped around my head...

Imagine if I never saw a healing or a sign or a wonder, would that be an excuse to distrust God? Is Jesus not enough, is His word not enough for me to believe and trust in Him!?

It is good and right for us to desire to see God work and Him to be Glorified. But if my basis of faith is on whether He shows me a miracle or a sign and wonder then I think I may be in a bit of trouble. My faith should not quiver in the slightest when I don't see these signs and wonders. I trust that God will work as He wills. My faith is based on what Christ has done on the Cross and that He rose again and that right now He is seated at the right hand of the father...

Would seeing a miracle strengthen my faith? I reckon for a whole 5 minutes it will and then I would invert back into the shell of cynicism, trying to convince myself that there must be some other explanation or I would grumble that I don't see more. Just like the Israelites in the desert, they saw hundreds of signs and yet still lacked faith - how are we any different?! I don't think I am...

Yet God works miracles every day...depending how we define a miracle. Perhaps we need to stop looking so inward and start looking out and seeing what God is doing. We might be suprised.

I wonder this... our heads may have faith in God, but does our heart? No matter how many miracles I see, will it give me more faith in God or will it make no difference because my heart isn't where it should be? For me it comes down to what I am putting my trust in. I want Jesus to be enough. I want to say that Jesus is enough even if I never hear God speak, never see a person rise from the dead or never see any signs or wonders. I want Jesus to be enough. And yet Equally I want to see Gods amazing Glory, I want to have enough faith (although how you measure it I am not sure) to see his powerful works and majesty...

I am glad to be reminded that faith as small as a mustard seed is enough...Matthew 17:20...


Unknown said...

How was homegroup on this?

You should read CS Lewis' Miracles.

Cat said...

Yeh I should read that book! I will try to grab myself a copy :O)!

Homegroup was good - we were all honest and we had alot of questions. It was good to know that I wasn't the only one that was slightly unclear about a few things!!
