I want to draw your attention to five blogs that I have enjoyed alot this year and have helped me, challenged me and have been edifying! These are in no particular order:
1. Bluefish
I really enjoy Dave Bish's blog. Not because he is my boss or friend, but because I enjoy what he writes, I find it challenging and engaging! Plus he is a coffee drinker through and through - Keep blogging!
2. Challis
Across the pond. Love the reviews and links!
3. Ed Goode
He was our Relay worker in Surrey many years ago. I love seeing what God is doing in his life and how he is enjoying Grace and Jesus everyday!
4. Girl talk
A wonderful edifying blog for women especially. It challenges my heart on how to be a Godly woman and to seek Christ in all things.
5. Adrian Warnock
Great reviews and interviews and engaging topics...plus he is on this side of the pond and writes good stuff!
It is that end of the year time where I get to look back and review 2008. I will be doing several reviews. One will be the review of this blog and whats happened in my life this year, reflecting on Gods Grace and Goodness. There will also be a review on what I think the top 5 blogs are that have encouraged, challenged and helped me this year. Then perhaps 2008 in pictures...!
So firstly lets have a snapshot of 2008 by blog posts and events:
Best blog post: A short series in Numbers
The start of 2008 and I am in my final year. The year is stretched out before me...dissertation, goodbyes and Relay ahead. I also went to Greece...!
Best Blog post: Mission Week Life08
My last Ever missions week as a student at Surrey CU - there was also the unexpected tent flying and singing at 2am. This was sad and yet amazing to see God work. I went to London, Norway and Germany for a day with friends. So much fun!
Best Blog post: Guard your heart and mind
First ever funeral. Completely relying on God. God is in control. Understanding more of what it means to be a missionary for God on campus.
Best Blog post: NWA :: Taming the tongue
New Word Alive! Climbing snowdon, listening to Piper...being with friends! Loved it!
Best Blog post: 4 years gone
End of many things - student council, Uni (exams - woohoo), Surrey CU and some friendships. But God is good and works in seasons! This was a sad time, but also one of a new chapter. Very exciting!
Best Blog post: 12 sins we blaim others for
I go to Spain with my lovely housemates! I graduate with a BSc in Computing and IT. I visit Exeter...I meet some of the committee and say hello to the ECU - this was scary and yet exciting and seems like a lifetime ago. Passion 08.
Best Blog post: Should we always encourage?
My two good friends Sophie and Chris got married. I did Bournemouth international outreach. I turned 22 and a lady from Germany became a Christian that day!
Best Blog post: Identity worth finding
Relay Prep and then Relay 1 that turned my world upside down and revealed in my how I didn't really understand Grace and how Amazing God is. Making new friends. Paris with Tim. Standing up at Forum for mission. A new chapter begins..
Best Blog post: Living for Christ with JOY
I am now a Relay worker. I love the South West Team!!! I am learning so much, but it is so hard.
Best Blog post: Quiet Time series
Loving Exeter, one to ones set up, friendships starting to blossom. Interesting times with the Guild, yet God is in control. Free project! Gudrem...team studies and getting to know Jesus more. One year with Tim! Hurrayyy!
Best Blog post: Get christian students into politics!
Nasty November - it came with too many hours worked, illness and depending on myself rather then God. I realised something with Relay...it's harder then I ever thought it would be and through the Word God is showing me how much I depend on myself or others rather then Him. I had a reality check. Who am I living for?
Transformission. Houseparty. Biblical Evang.
Best Blog post: High lights of the term
End of Term. Holidays. Rest... looking back on this term and marvelling at the amazing Grace that God gives us. Awesome....